Sunday, January 4, 2009

First Christmas Celebrations!

Alyssa had a wonderful first Christmas. She got lots of toys and clothes, but would have been happy with just paper. She just wanted to eat the paper. It was crazy and hectic, but wonderful too. We spent Christmas Eve with my parents and family, the Christmas morning was just the three of us. Christmas afternoon we went to Huntsville to see Mark's family. I did manage to get one shot of Mark, Alyssa, and I ( I was trying out my new remote for my camera).

Our first Christmas picture as a family.
Nanny, PawPaw, and Alyssa
Yummy paper..who needs gifts...

Another picture Mom??

The Christmas Cutie wouldn't look at the camera..ha ha!

Christmas morning at home...

Opening gifts....

Look at that pile of gifts...

Our stockings are fireplace though.

Christmas Eve @ Nana & Granddaddy's

Look at those thighs!

Where's my presents??

Destiny opening gifts
Derek opening gifts.
Alyssa opening gifts.

ready to go...get that stocking down.

Nana's slippers light up on the cheeks...Alyssa kept trying to grab them and pull them off.


Leslie said...

Those are all so good!!! I really like your family pic - you don't have nearly enough of those! :)

Alyssa's little onesie outfit is ADORABLE!!! And yes, she's got some chunky thighs! LOL

Renner Romig said...

She is soooo precious! I love these! She's long too! We look so forward to coming to her birthday party!