Friday, January 30, 2009

11 Months...and so grown up!

Wondering what all the green stuff is??
Heading over to help Daddy weed the flower beds.

When the weather is nice, we take Alyssa outside to play in the yard. She loves to be outside ( unlike her mommy..ha ha).

Chilling..watching Yo Gabba Gabba!

Well...Alyssa is now 11 months old. There have been so many changes with her, I am constantly amazed. She is getting to be a brave little girl...she has started to take steps. She has now on two different occasions taken two steps with out assistance. Both times, she was walking towards me. She is also starting to is so cute to see her playing. She has a table that plays music, and when it starts, she sways side to side.

She is also starting to give kisses, and she can wave bye bye! We don't have an official weight on her, but I think it's close to 23 lbs now.

In just 4 weeks, my little baby will be a year old. Where has the time gone??


Leslie said...

She's so sweet!! It is a good thing she likes to be outside - that will be something her and her daddy can do together (while you stay indoors w/the a/c). LOL

Is it just me, or does Yo Gabba Gabba freak you out sometimes? That guy is so creepy looking to me... IDK.... ??

The London's said...'s pretty creepy to me too! I get weirded out by his facial!