Monday, December 8, 2008

Bath time...

Alyssa had a pretty bad case of diaper rash from the antibiotic for the ear infection...So, we were bathing her in the sink to help by using baking soda in the water. (Hey...I got bathed in the sink...and I'm just fine!) Anyways, she's finally starting to get some I had to play with it when I washed it. She had a lot of fun splashing water all over the counter and Mommy.

Bubble beard!

She kept grabbing for the sprayer hose.

Can you see the mo-hawk??

I love this little girl!!!


Leslie said...

Bath time is ALWAYS so much fun!!!! :)

Unknown said...

Heck yeah I bathed both my kids in the sink..much easier when they are still little enough to fit, and the sprayer makes it a quicker bath! haha! She is a cutie..she has your eyes, I think!