Tuesday, October 21, 2008

Standing Up!!

So..there's been a new development in the London household. Alyssa is standing up! She has figured out how to pull herself up on the tables, her crib, anything she can get a hold of. She surprised me last night when she woke up at 3am. I went in to check on her, and found her standing up in the crib looking at me. She hasn't been able to get to a sitting position on her own, but I guess she can now! I can't believe how fast she is growing!!

her new toy...she loves to stand a push all the buttons.

Daddy catching her when she falls!

Uh oh! I see trouble starting!
I just gotta get my feet right!
What a cute face...full of mischief!
I did it!!


Leslie said...

OH BOY!!!! How much fun!!! I forgot how exciting that 'stage' was... LOL She's adorable! I can't believe she's almost 8 months old already! YIKES!!! Where has the time gone?

Anonymous said...

She's growing up too fast!! It's great to see her pics! So cute!