Wednesday, June 16, 2010

Big girl bed!!

We had an interesting night on evening when putting Alyssa to bed.  She cried as usual when we put her down in her crib, but after a few minutes it got quiet.  We thought that she must have decided to go on to sleep.  However, she suddenly appeared in the living room looking at us like we were the meanest parents ever for leaving her in there by herself.  She crawled out of the crib a few more times, so we made the transition to a big girl bed.  She even helped her daddy put the bed together...she is such a good little helper!!  Now...our only problem is keeping her in bed.  She likes to wake up midways through the night and come to our room and get in our bed! 

Cheese, Mom!!

This goes here...see!!

Almost done with the bed...

Testing out the jump factor!
