Monday, October 12, 2009

October update....

So...I've been neglecting the blog..sorry about that. Here are some pics and funny things for Alyssa's past few months.

She is 19 months now...and growing like a weed. She is almost 3 feet tall now!! YIKES!! She has about 20 words she can say, but only uses a few regularly. Her favorites are "mor nacks" (more snacks), "more joos" (more juice), and "pop" (Popsicle). She is always talking and running around the house. We have our share of temper tantrums too. She is always making funny faces at us...she'll stare you down, then smile a sweet smile at you. I can't believe how fast she is growing up!

She was playing in an old box.. and loved it for about 5

The mess you see back there is her clothes that are too small. I was sorting them out and boxing them up, but she thought it would be more fun to scatter them around the room.

She loves to draw and color now...she is constantly asking to "drraaw", so I got out the dry erase board to let her play on. It's cute when she asks cause she rolls her tongue a little when she says "draw".

Such a sneaky little face...I think we're in trouble...ha ha!

She was helping Daddy put a chair together, or so she thought. She kept trying to put the base on the chair for him.

So...Alyssa loves being outside..sure not like her momma there..ha ha! She has so much fun running through the sprinkler when it's on. She just giggles and runs back to it, then when the water sprays her, she runs away.
Getting ready for the spray!

Here, she's looking for a lizard that her Daddy found.

There it is...Daddy had it!

Wow...what's that! OOOHHH...a lizard!