Wednesday, May 6, 2009

Silly times...

Alyssa beat Destiny getting into the pool..or at least her feet did.

Alyssa and Nana

Showing off for the ladies at the baby shower.

Another picture..Mom?

Such an innocent little face...

She was running from me..and the camera!


I want some cheerios!

Ooohh...what's that Daddy?? baby girl is growing up on me. She is starting to run now, crawling up on the couch, and trying to climb up into her high chair. She starting to talk and can say hi, bye, Momma, Dada, uh-oh. She is also getting to be very sneaky. Last night she got something she knew she shouldn't get, and when I asked what she had, she ran from!! I had to chase her through the kitchen to find out she had the cap to a pen. She is also pointing to what she wants now, and if she doesn't get it..throws a temper tantrum!!
She has good days and bad days for eating... one day she'll eat everything under the sun. The next all she wants is goldfish and milk. I hope she's not picky like her daddy is. It never ceases to amaze me the things she does. She tries to mimic everything we do. She knows where her nose and ears are now also.