Tuesday, June 9, 2009

Pool Party

Destiny had a pool party for her birthday, of course. It was Alyssa's first chance to get into a big pool (other than the little one ring splash pool in our back yard). She was a little overwhelmed at first, but then seemed to think of it as a big bath tub. She was splashing everyone and kicking me. She had a great time, and after we got out, she kept trying to get back in. We would be up on the porch and she would take off running for the pool. She'd get half way up the steps before I could catch her. I think she's gonna be like Destiny and love the pool.

She loved this duck...we're going to have to get some more toys for her.
The birthday girl!! I can't believe she's 11 now.

Trying out the turtle float.

Looking cute in her floppy hat and shades...though she wouldn't leave them on.


Leslie said...

Too cute!!! I can't wait to hang out w/you guys @ Palm Beach! :)