Sunday, January 18, 2009

Miscellaneous Pics...

Another classic tongue shot!!
She tried crawling into the laundry we put her in it and let her play.

Destiny & Alyssa...two beautiful girls!

Uncle John holding Alyssa!

Just a few various pics from the past few months.

Alyssa is almost 11 months old now. She weighs almost 23 lbs and has 5 teeth!! There are four on the top and one on the bottom...I can't get her to smile for the pictures to show them off. She is cruising on the furniture, and starting to free stand. She stood for 10 seconds all by herself. Her independence is really showing through, and she is quickly becoming a sassy little girl. She gets mad when she can't get a toy to go the right way, or if we close a door before she can get into the room. She loves being chased around the room too! She'll start crawling away laughing, then stop and look to see if you'll follow her. She is also clicking her tongue now..and smacking when she eats. She loves to be outside too! Alyssa is also starting to "love" and hug her toys.


Leslie said...

She's so CUTE!!!!! I can't believe she's growing up so fast...